For whom is the emmi®-pet ultrasonic toothbrush appropriate?
In principle, the emmi®-pet ultrasonic toothbrush is appropriate for dogs of all ages and breeds. Thanks to the different sized attachments, the emmi®-pet ultrasonic toothbrush can be used for puppies and small dogs as well as for parent animals and particularly large breeds.
At what age can I use the emmi®-pet for my dogs?
Optimum dental care for dogs starts at a young age at best: regular and conscientious dental care is recommended to effectively prevent tartar in dogs. Even though puppies usually have bright white teeth, it is advisable to get used to dental care in a playful way already at puppy age. The emmi®-pet ultrasonic toothbrush is particularly appropriate for this purpose due to its silent and vibration-free operation.
What are the reasons for bad breath in dogs?
Bad breath of dogs can be caused by a multitude of reasons. These include food residues on or between the teeth or residues from play activities, e.g. wood or fabric residues. Even if these reasons for bad breath in dogs are relatively harmless, they should be taken seriously: Last but not least, they are often the trigger for more serious causes of bad breath in dogs. Ignored in the long term, they can lead to tartar. We recommend prophylactic use of the emmi®-pet ultrasonic toothbrush. In this way, this and thus also long-lasting bad breath in dogs can be avoided.
Is there also an ultrasound cleaning of the dog’s teeth without anaesthetic?
Yes, there is an ultrasonic teeth cleaning for dogs without anaesthetic – with our emmi®-pet ultrasonic toothbrush. Thanks to 96 million air vibrations instead of mechanical movements, it cleans your dog’s teeth very gently and softly. If used correctly and regularly, the emmi®-pet ultrasonic toothbrush can even prevent you from going to the vet and cleaning your dog’s teeth under a risky anaesthetic.
Where can I get additional support?
If you require any support with the handset you have purchased from myself, The Dog Tooth Fairy®, you can email me directly
I also have 2 specific Facebook support groups that are free to join one is for Pet owners
emmi®-pet at home with The Dog Tooth Fairy® | Facebook
and one for pet professionals
emmi®-pet made simple with The Dog Tooth Fairy® | Facebook.
The communities are super supportive and you can get answers there from both myself and community members. I also have a pet professionals training course (link here) and a pet owners webinar (link here) both of these training courses are designed to help you maximise your results with the emmi®-pet toothbrush.

How long does a charge take? How long does it hold its charge?
The first charge will take the longest time approximately 48 hours (until the blue charging light goes off), when a handset has been fully charged it should last for approximately 90 mins of continuous use). The emmi®-pet 2.0 toothbrush will turn itself off after 6 mins as a battery preservation mechanism.
What does the warranty cover? How long is the warranty for?
The emmi®-pet ultrasonic toothbrush and charger are covered for 2 years from the date of purchase against any genuine mechanical defect on the product not resulting from the misuse of the product, please note that any handset with a mechanical defect may need to be sent to Germany HQ for an investigation before a replacement is issued.
Which size brush head do I need?
emmi®-pet has two different sized brushes available, S2 small size is suitable for miniature and small breeds of dog such as Bichon Frise, Chihuahuas, Dachshunds etc the next size is M2 or medium and this size is suitable for all medium and large breeds, Cocker spaniels, Labradors, Newfoundlands etc
How long should it take to achieve results?
Results times can vary and this depends on many variable factors such as the dogs age, overall health, diet, dental composition and how long the plaque or tartar staining has been there for. If you are persistent and diligent with your brushing routine all dogs should see results, even if some dogs take a lot longer than others.
How often can I use emmi®-pet?
emmi®-pet is safe to use on a daily basis for pets
When should I NOT use emmi®-pet?
Do not use emmi®-pet if your dog’s gums are red, inflamed, bleeding and sore looking, if your dogs teeth are loose, if the gum lines have receded, you should seek veterinary advice first for your dog. emmi®-pet can be used 4 weeks after any veterinary dental work has been carried out and your dog’s teeth and gums have fully healed.
How long should I use emmi®-pet on my dog?
Try to ensure you have targeted most of the teeth in any one session, aiming for up to 2 mins with the toothbrush, paste and water. You will be aiming to spend 2 mins on the tooth or dental area (as often the brush will cover more than one tooth). Don’t worry if you are unable to spend 2 mins at first, it’s all about making the dog feel at ease and building the time up gradually.
How often for maintenance sessions?
Once you have achieved results with your dog aim to clean the teeth weekly if possible to keep the results topped up, if you struggle with weekly try to give your dog some healthy dental treats to keep the plaque and tartar at bay or some Orozyme Gel is fab if you don’t have the time for a full emmi®-pet session, this is simply applied with the finger (shop Orozyme Gel)
What if they don’t like the toothpaste?
The toothpaste has an interesting bubblegum flavour which most dogs will tolerate, if a dog really does not like the paste, you can use other brands of paste although results may be a lot slower as the emmi®-pet paste is designed to work really well with the ultrasonic waves and nano-bubble technology to get results a lot more effectively.
How do I store my set?
Store your toothbrush and brush heads in a cool dry place, make sure any toothpaste debris is rinsed off under a tap after use and the hygiene cap is returned onto the brush head.
Protocol on changing brush heads- Your brush head will need replaced once the bristles start to frey, keep an eye on them and try to make sure that you dont allow your dog to bite the bristles, as the bristles transport the ultrasonic waves through them so are really important to the functionality of your toothbrush. Your handset will flash red to indicate if there is a fault with your brush head to let you know.
How to introduce emmi®-pet on the first session?
The below video will demonstrate how best to introduce emmi®-pet to your dog.
What products/items to use after emmi®-pet to flick tartar off?
There are two products available that work alongside the emmi®-pet toothbrush to help remove some of the heavier plaque and tartar whilst the toothbrush works to break it down over time, the tools will help get quicker results.
The Rosewood sticks are little wooden soft wood picks, you can use these to flick off thicker tartar from the dogs teeth. We then have the tartar eraser, this is a fine pumice tool used to gently rub on the dog’s teeth over finer plaque stains, the tartar eraser can be used at the end of a course of treatment to remove the last few stubborn stains and is not designed to remove thicker, heavier tartar.