Feel the fear but do it anyway
Hi all of you lovely lot,
I’m going to talk a little today about ‘FEAR’ as some of you know I’ve recently been on holiday with my little girl.
What many of you don’t know is I’m a really fearful traveller. Airports, aeroplanes, being in new places, not understanding the signage, the language, the list goes on.
I haven’t been on holiday abroad in 5 years, and now having my little one, the fear is even more amplified. Thankfully one of my mummy friends was going away with her family and kindly offered me to join them on their holiday to Turkey. This was so kind but my mind was still in overdrive, would the plane crash? Would we have a medical emergency? Would we be abducted by a taxi driver? Would I get on my friends nerves? I actually internalise a lot of my stress, it’s all inside my mind.
But do you know what happened? NONE of the above.
You see, FEAR is just imagining the worst and a catastrophisation of future events which may never happen and probably won’t. It’s a complete waste of energy.
The holiday was amazing, I watched my little one grow up so much in that week filling with confidence and independence, experiencing a different culture and mixing with children from different parts of the world.
The resort felt so safe and all of my anxiety melted away.
Why am I telling you this? Because FEAR is what holds you back in life.
Was I fearful around buying my first emmi®-pet kit?
– Yes…..
Did I doubt myself and my capabilities?
– Yes…..
Has my investment paid off?
– Yes!
Am I in a better position in my life for taking that leap?
– A million times Yes!
Are my dogs’ teeth cleaner that ever before?
– Yes!
Did I ever think I’d be sat here as a single mamma supporting my little family and managing to go on all inclusive holidays abroad?
– Nope.
I have a heck of a lot to thank emmi®-pet for.
So if you’re still sitting on the fence and wondering where emmi®-pet might take you, drop me an email with the subject “toothbrush” and I’ll send you an email back.